

Tech & Story Lab focus on new technology.

In the Tech & Story Lab you can experiment with new technology and learn to work with different equipment on your own. We have everything from cameras, microphones and lighting equipment to VR gear, AI technologies, RaspberryPi's and much more.

You can borrow a large selection of equipment and get expert guidance in using it.

Remember your student card

To borrow equipment and use our facilities, remember to bring your student card.

The student card must be valid and may only be used by the card owner.


Equipment in Tech & Story Lab

You are always welcome to drop by us if you are looking for special equipment for your project or need advice and guidance.

If you already know in advance which equipment you need, you can see if the equipment is available in the booking module. Please note, however, that the booking module is indicative - we cannot therefore guarantee that all equipment is available.

To book and have equipment delivered, visit us in the Tech & Story Lab.


Opening hours



Here you can get an overview of our different types of equipment.

Access to Tech & Story Lab

Tech & Story Lab is open to all students, teachers and other employees at KEA.

You will find us at Guldbergsgade 29N, 2200 KBH N, on the ground floor behind the reception. We are open Monday-Friday from 09-15.

If you have questions for Tech & Story Lab, you are always welcome to stop by or send us an mail.

Billede af video

Contact us

Luca Fusco

Luca Fusco


Frederick Lehmann Rosling

Frederick Lehmann Rosling

Tlf: 46 46 04 42

E-mail: techandstorylab@kea.dk

Simon Benjamin Christensen

Frederick Lehmann Rosling


Ask your questions here